So at around six this morning, I finally wake up from this weird, nightmare-esque dream I was having. I got thrown 100 years into the future, post a zombie-apocalypse. Things were mostly under control, but my family were lost to the sands of time. The world basically learned how to cope with the zombies — who themselves aren’t dangerous. It’s those who were in the middle of transforming that were — because those who were just infected were the only ones who could infect others, etc. It was really quite interesting. 

Immediately, I snatched up my phone. Took notes on what I could remember about the dream. Which at that point in time, was a lot. I’ve done this once before, where I was pretty much just handed all of the world-building because of a dream I had. It was glorious.

I decided that this story idea would be my NaNo project this year. I wanted to work on something that was unrelated to my work (the smut), or TT. Mainly because I have something like 12k of Seize the Day written already and I’m not 100% on how long it’s actually going to be with the changes I’ve made. But I did write a small, 800ish word piece based on this idea, which is shown below. I also worked on chapter 6 of Seize the Day and got most of it done, but I have to get up at like 5am tomorrow, so I’m not gonna be finishing it tonight. Damn. Oh well. I am pleased with this short piece, though:

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